I would love to be able to see the sex of un-opened boxes it would allow me to decide what box's to keep for a latter date and what box's to sell. Prim is always a issue in my store and at home. I have 56 kitties! Yes 56 some of them are reaching that dreaded 120 day mark. I have box's I would love to open and start getting up to breeding age but I am faced with opening really good box's and them being the wrong sex and then having no room to put them in my home or store and spending money on food on kitties that I really should not be spending money on... or sending them of to menagerie *sighs* and I hate to send really good kitties off to the menagerie.
Also allowing us to see the sex on the kitties would help sell box's. I hear it time and time again from people looking at my box's IF ONLY I knew the sex of the box I would buy it! Why cause they have the perfect boy or girl at home but don't want to spend lin on a box that may end up being the same sex.
So I beg beg beg you please please please add sex to the box's
thank you!