??10 am with Neck-WOW Look at these kitties!??
Special A: Aby BS with Flash AND Foxie ears!!
8T Siam Choco Gerbera Orange Illume BooBoo Mystx3!
8T B Russian LIC Flair Frisky Mystx3!
8T Oci Tawny Plat Flair Frisky Mystx2!
4T Siam Flam LIght Wash hiding Ody Kal!
6T Oci Blue Plat Myst Ody 1 and White Myst!
6T Bengal Tawny Gerbera Purple Plush Rounded White Myst!
6T SS Choco Double Dip FLora Flair Myst and White Myst!
Join for some wicked good fun and some awesome kitties!