I couldn't wait to post these amazing kittehs for you all to take a peek at so I'll be adding more later I'm sure but for now feast your eyes upon these beauties!!!
Ocicat BLUE Ody Rainbow +1 (FIRST TO BE SOLD)
Snow Red Purple Rain Illume +5
Aby Black Silver Azure Shorty +3
Bali Lilac Purrfect Azure Plush Whisk +1
Snow Bluepoint Purrfect Ody Rainbow Porcelain +4
Bali Seal Beach Blue Flair Rounded +1
Chat Cream & White 2 Purrfect Lemon Illume +3
? Bali Lilac Ice Crystal +1 on the Raffle board!! Only 99L for your chance to win!!
Don't forget our random giver will be running and it is full of awesome prizes including Gift Cards, Love 5's, Pedigree Givers, Love Drops, Beds, Collars, Vests, Statues from RFL & Top Hats and MUCH MORE!!
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Too%20Adorable/80/157/21 ??