The BuNNy HuNt 2014 > The ScratchN Post > LAST DAY TODAY!!!
~~~ Helpful HiNt #5 ~~~
Last Clue: The remaining elusive BuNNies might have stopped to play somewhere, or to enjoy the serenity of a lake, or scrambled up a tree for a snack, or be dozing under a bridge... or maybe they just got chatting to a slowly snail...
~~~ Helpful HiNt #4 ~~~
Did you know that The ScratchN Post sims are home to many of our BuNNy HuNt creators? It has been noticed that some of the BuNNies have been feeling shy and staying much closer to their creators' stores or carts...
There is a list of creators' landmarks on our website... have you checked them out on The BuNNy HuNt pages?
~~~ Helpful HiNt #3 ~~~
The ScratchN Post is a Premier KittyCatS! Breeding Community but also so so SO much more...
Did you know that you can visit us to go fishing, watch a movie, play games or dance the night away? The BuNNies have been having lots of fun on our sims! Check out the EntertaiNmeNt SectioN of our website to find out more:
~~~ Helpful HiNt #2 ~~~
The BuNNies seem to have found the perfect hiding place, in the shadows of these larger than life kitties. Did you find each of them?
~~~ Helpful HiNt #1 ~~~
Did you know that The ScratchN Post hosts 4 auctions across each week and an additional one every month? With auctioneers like Cate, LickN & Ruby, Liri & Elly, Nino & Tawny and Nika & Revan... Our elusive BuNNies think you really should take a look ;0)
A complete list of our creators can be found, along with their store landmarks on our website (see below).
HuNt HiNts are available at our sim landing points and on our website:
Liri & Elly
Tuesdays 6pm slt
Veronika Darkwatch with Revan Salamander
Wednesdays 6pm slt
Catelesky Resident
Thursdays 1pm slt
Nino Heartsdale with Tawny Dinzeo
Saturdays 10am slt
LickN Wonder with Beloved Ruby
Second Sunday of Every Month