hi guys,
I made a little list of things I would personally find useful in the online cattery:
1. be able to see in cattery the full profile, including great grandparents
2. in the pedigree list online, mark the cats which are currently partnered
3. have the kitty cats menu (vitamin, name etc) also be available when viewing a pedigree
4. matching function - find such a trait in opposite gender, find matching fur to this, etc
5. visual/color coded dominance/recessivenes or at least color code non genesis traits, retired traits, something like this
6. a new view for the partnered kitties/boys/girls easier to scroll esp. on mobile devices - perhaps similar to box LIST view
7. somewhere the date kitty was ACQUIRED - whether bought OR birthed
8. List showing kitty breeder to quickly identify/sort/filter your own
9. be able to see someone else's pedigree if they flagged it public, as this can be seen in world in such tools as profiler, rather than saying
"WARNING: You can only see the Pedigree Tree of KittyCats you own! Please login with the correct account information.."
What do you think?
I think some of these would be way cool