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Hi, i'm a n00b :))
05-14-2015, 07:51 PM
Post: #1
Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Hiya everyone,
Afther 4 years i return to SL and i am pretty busy in SL. But i see already a few times people having a pet to real big animals in SL and start to get curious. In RL i would get first more information before buying a pet, but here in SL i couldn't longer resist to buy 2 lovely kittens "Bobby" and "Annabel" Smile
right now i try to get as much as possible information. Yes till now i find very basic information, but there seems to be so many options, i realy don't know where to look or where to go.
Help is more as welcome!
In RL my parrents had a small cattery with Persians long hair cats and i did help them alot special when we had small kittens. but rigt here in SL i don't know how collors get mixed when a new kitten comes or how the price of the kitten should be priced.
till now i have a lot of fun with my 2 kittens and let's see what happens afther 7 days Smile)
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05-14-2015, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2015 09:09 PM by Brunabug Nightfire.)
Post: #2
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Hello Buum,

Welcome to KittyCatS! When I started breeding 3 yrs ago I was much like you, trying to gather information on how the breeding process worked. At that time there were several breeding classes being held in SL that breeders could attend and ask questions. Now a days there is far less but there is lots of blogs, forum posts, and websites that try and explain it.

I will post several of the sights that have worked for me. And I welcome anyone else who might have information to share to post them as well.

First off, when I started KittyCatS Breeding 3 yrs ago I was drawn to a breeding teacher by the name of Saga Felix. She was one of the first breeders when KittyCatS! started 4 yrs ago. She held classes and she had figured out recessive verses dominate traits. She gathered lots of breeding information and started compiling a list of furs, eyes, shades, tails, ears, and whiskers and listing them from Dominate to Recessive. She shared these lists with the community and invited breeders to share their findings as well. Saga Felix has stopped breeding but we still have the lists maintained. By a team of breeders.

Here is links to all the resources I would like to share with you (and anyone else who might be interested),

KittyCatS Basics- for beginners:
Facts about KittyCatS Traits:
Trait- Talk Transcript:
Saga's KittyCatS Trait Chart FAQ:
SagaKitty News and Updates: http://sagakitty.blogspot.com/

Welcome again to breeding the most addictive breedable.

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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 Thanks given by: Buum Jansma
05-15-2015, 06:03 AM
Post: #3
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Thank you very much,
This is very helpfull Smile
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05-16-2015, 03:04 PM
Post: #4
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
welcome Buum!!! i hope you enjoy your KittyCatS journey!!!

it's a fun fun community with lovely people like yourself! we all LOVE cats!

hope to meet you sometime! please show us photos of your babies on our flickr too if you want!
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 Thanks given by: Buum Jansma
05-16-2015, 05:06 PM
Post: #5
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Thank you Smile

And pictures, well need to be patient, i just buy 2 couples and they need to grow up first Smile
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05-17-2015, 08:00 AM
Post: #6
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Welcome to Kittycats! When I was new,about 2 years ago now, I just went through forum threads and also asked in the kittycats addict group. It's been a fun time and sometimes you get frustrated but don't let that get you down Smile good luck with your breeding!

Latest Born Kitty:
[Image: dreampoetz_Resident]
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 Thanks given by: Buum Jansma
05-17-2015, 06:20 PM
Post: #7
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
Thanks Smile)

I found this link, also a nice explain about breeding: http://scratchn-post.com/online-classes/...e-classes/

And reading the Saga list makes me think a bit back to mathematics, it's just a matter of Logic thinking (Mr Spock hehe) but i hope i understand the logica of it, will find it out soon Smile
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05-18-2015, 06:00 AM
Post: #8
RE: Hi, i'm a n00b :))
I wish you a very warm welcome to KittyCatS - I am sure that you will find this board a friendly place.

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 Thanks given by: Buum Jansma
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