KittyCatS! Update V 1.44
Dear KittyCatS Community,
Are you ready for some fun? We sure hope so!
First of all a HUGE thank you to you all for being a wonderfully creative,giving, kind and fun community. We could not IMAGINE a better community than you are! We hope you enjoy these new additions and that they make your KittyCatS experience more enjoyable.
This update is a lot of FUN! We can call it the FunDate well or just, an-update-with-some-super-fun-stuff-added-that-we-are-excited-about! It has some very fun features that the kitties and we have loved making for you! We have smiled and laughed a lot making this and hope you will too!
So after testing and testing and testing and coding and all the other stuff that goes into these things... we will just stop blabbing and just jump right in and tell you about it, ok?
Your KittyCatS Team
Kittycats, Equinox & Callie
NOTE: If this is your first time doing an update with KittyCatS! the process is very simple. Yes, you heard right, VERY simple. (At the bottom of this note are the simple steps on how to update) Also, you can watch our new simple tutorial online at
KittyCatS! proudly presents - Pet & Play Additions! - Petting just got WAY more fun!
We've added 2 more fun ways to pet & love your cats! "Adoring" & "Playing" join "Relaxing", "Pampering" & "Spoiling!" This is not just for you but for ANYONE grid-wide who wants to play with your kitties!!! We are sure you will love these new ways to interact! The cats sure do! So, here are some details!
"Playing" means...Toys! You will get one of 3 Toys in your hand and your cat will play with it, and of course at times ignore it as only a cat can do! So make SURE to select "Playing" in the petting menu to try this!
And... make sure to also try this while your cat is sleeping! We've added a very fun addition there that you will just HAVE to see! (it's quite dreamy too)
KittyCatS! proudly presents - Mega Dreams! - Petting your sleeping giant is now possible!
You can now pet your MegaPuss while it sleeps! So after riding it while awake, you can adore and spoil it in its sleep! You will even get to see it cuddle a giant toy or pillow at times when it sleeps! And yes, you can play with it too while it sleeps! Make sure to try that! You will be in for a fun surprise if it happens to wake while you are petting it!
So make sure to Adore, Relax, Pamper, Spoil & Play with your sleeping MegaPuss!
KittyCatS! proudly presents - Cat Play! - Playing just got WAY more fun!
Your cats can now play and interact with each other!!! It's hard to tell just what they will do as they are cats of course but this new feature adds so much fun for them AND you!
They can paw at each other, roll around, lay on their backs being cute and playful. It depends on their mood of course!

At times it may seem like they want to play all day then at times like they can't be bothered... Again, just like cats!
We laughed so much watching them play. Sometimes it was just 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 4 or More! They can play a long time or a short time and go their own way and ignore each other completely, there is just no way to predict it and you may really come to believe they have a mind of their own. (yes of course they know they do!)
KittyCatS! proudly presents - Sweet DreamS! - Sleeping just got WAY more fun!
Sleeping just got a lot more fun and cuddly for your cats! And... this is another place our adorable new TOYS show up in your cat's your cats Second Life. (Or is this its Third Life?)
There are 23 different things in all for even sweeter dreams. Some only your babies will use, so you will not want to miss that!
More sleeping fun means MORE sleeping positions! So while your cat is sleeping with a toy, you will notice some new sleeping positions. You will also notice your cat at times will hold its toy tight, then as it sleeps it may let go only to cuddle it again.
We hope you love this new addition as much as we do! Toys will appear randomly when your cat sleeps and don't worry, your cats will sleep without toys too! And just like cats only THEY will decide!
KittyCatS! proudly presents - One Prim Wonders!
Did we reach the bottom? Who knows... But one thing is sure, we can finally present you with a 1 prim mode for your cats! Yes, ONE prim.
HOW TO ENABLE THIS? Just the way you used to! Just click "2D cat" or "Image" in your cats "Low Prim" menu and with 1.44+, your cat will be 1 prim rather then 2!
So maybe you can drag out your house, and furniture again?
More interaction!
We added a cute new "Sit" Position to the interaction menu. Your cat will love this new way for you to love and adore it! Watch and see!
We know you love to hold and cuddle and interact with your cats in many ways, so we thought we'd add one more!
Other Changes:
* More Clothes! - Your cat's closet has expanded. It can now hold 11 clothes attachments!
* More Pedigee Links! - Enable pedigree links automatically for all your future cats & boxes at your account page! ( Now also allows pedigree links for perma-pets & 2 pedigree links for twin boxes, separate configurable.
* Happier PermaPetS™! - Influence your PermaPetS™ happiness when petting or interacting with it in any way! Now you can see how happy your PermaPetS™ get when you interact with them!
* Highlighted Animations - The interaction menu of breedable cats now highlights animations that influence happiness with an asterisk. "*"
* More chatter! - We have also added some new sayings that your cats will use when speaking to you! They insisted on this... of course.
* Better Range visualization - The range is now visualized from the cat's home point, rather then the cat's position.
* More Love - We dropped the limit where cats stopped gaining love when over 25% hungry. The new Limit is 100% hunger. So, your cats will always be able to gain love unless they are sick.
* Improved Feather - The Petting Feather now only requires 4 rather then 5 prims to be rezzed.
On top of all that, version 1.44 includes several more small changes and fixes. Some of theselhave been present, tested and fine tuned in earlier versions, often used for docks & collection cats.
A big thank you from the KittyCatS! Team to Verdian Frog for creating the new avatar animations for the 2 additional pet modes and sit interaction!
Last but not least... For KittyCatS! HUD Owners
KittyCatS! Proudly Presents... KittyCatS! HUD 2.0!
An entirely new HUD. Entirely new? YES, but still familiar! Based on the Online Cattery Layout, we hope you enjoy this new HUD and it's features!
*To use the new HUD please be sure to read the instructions notecard*
* More Cats to display! - And... not only cats! Display up to 5000 boxes or 2000 cats or any combination between!
* More Info! - Including a picture of each cat or box AND all its traits.
* More Sorting! - SORT your cats in 17 different ways, including traits. AND even more! Not only sorting but also FILTERING of your cats & boxes list.
* More Tools! - Teleport boxes and restore them to their previous position. Get new boxes Highlighted. You won't miss any present from the stork - err we mean... your cats - anymore!
* More Partners! - Missing from region partners are now shown as well!
* More Smartness! - HUD will auto-hide when it detects no cats or boxes on the sim.
In the coming 24 hours your cats will start to show an "UPDATE ME" tag.
As soon as they do, the UPDATE button will be available in your cats menu to obtain an updater.
As of that point, you have 2 weeks to update your cats.
Make sure you have at least 30 prims available when you run the updater.
NOTE: Firestorm cats can not be updated. They were free collectible PermaPetS™ which will keep their 1.34 release version through all their 9 lives.
EASY AS 1,2,3 updating steps:
1. Click the "UPDATE" button in the menu of your cat and it will give you an updater.
2. Rez the Updater
3. Click the "can of Update" and watch it as it updates all your cats and boxes! The updater will give KittyCatS HUD owners a new HUD as well.
No need to move cats, re rez them, group them, travel to sandboxes, pull your hair, or anything! It's REALLY that easy.

All settings for your cat will be kept, including the group. If you had a cat or box set for sale, you will have to set them for sale again.
©2015 KittyCatS!. All rights reserved. All information contained in this notecard is © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.