Selling off my collection including the very rare Unique Leprekitty,Sweet Cats Orange & Green, Red (Boxed) & Teal(Perma) Devil Doll, Skelecats inc Stormy Sea & St Blanc, S.W.A.K, Dark(perma) and Light Ambrosia (Boxed) Leopards, Lazy Dayzies, Hope and Yuki Neko, Love at First Bite Pair(Perma) and Seasons of Hope. Mostly all of my live specials are perma petted. I have many more in my inventory but not enough space to put them all out so always putting new stock out. Please keep checking or ask if there's a particular kitty you are after.
Collection also includes some of the fancie cats but not all
Megapuss Limited Editions & Statues Are Also For Sale
Kitty are priced individually so please come take a look