
Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
10-18-2014, 11:56 PM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
Omg! I can't help myself but saying that I find some comments so utterly rude!
Why is it that people always want to toxicate what comes from a good willing source such as Co.Op is atempting to do?
Don't you like somone else than you came with this plan in development?
Can't your ego handle that?
I just am so disgusted by all these negative remarks.
Mirror yourself and your true intentions/ agenda for trying to be a killjoy and go do your own cooporation or something constructive, shees!
Stop ruining other people's iniatives and have a life!
![[Image: o5e5bzt]](http://tinyurl.com/o5e5bzt)
Retro Kitties Showroom ยป
Notorious kitty hoarder ..
My cats rarely leave my cattery.
10-19-2014, 04:43 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
(10-08-2014 01:26 PM)Beloved Ruby Wrote: With that said, even though the Co.Op is still getting itself organized for future events, the Secondary Market owners have begun to make efforts to support one another with activities like these:
1. The Chateau Village is holding The October Harvest Festival with different activities, including display from many secondary markets, as well as auctions and a special Halloween Costume Party. If you haven't gone by, do so, and take a look at the beautiful displays and decorations Secondary Markets have on display, most with free gifties as well! This Festival is running since October 1st through October 31st. Go by and show your support as well!
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Th...120/171/33
2. Collaboration auctions are happening with auctioneers from different markets aiding one another. We can already see the support given between market to market. I will try to put together a list of collaboration auctions going on and list it under the Auctions area for easy access to everyone. 
3. New markets have been born, for example Julia Merosi's FelineS KittyCatS, with amazing features and offers, make sure to pass by to support this new Secondary Market! They also offer new auctions! Let's show Julia some love!!
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Th...120/171/33
And well, that is just to mention a few things that are happening and are worth mentioning. In respect to the Advertisements in groups, nothing is yet concrete until the Secondary Market owners make a decision on how to do this without overloading everyone in spam!! However, the idea of a single special Co.Op group for advertising KittyCatS! exclusively and from all the markets involved sounds like an idea the will take to the table to consider. :-) Thanks for bringing up that point!
Once again, the Co.Op is still in the organization phase, but this has not stopped markets from starting efforts to support one another. As part of the community, lets also support them!!
Yay for you Ruby! I love this show of support for our New markets! Thats what we need to see more of!! I would like to add La Femme's New Sim to those listed that are still working hard to be recognized and benefit from the co-op's support. The Cats Village, La Femme's sim is a part of the co-op. She only has One auction a week on Mondays at Noon SLT and I know it would mean alot to her to see her colleagues there! I do her auction and would love to see you all there with your amazing kitties! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wa...126/228/27
SUN 4pm & WED 11am Poison's Paradise
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World (Mahatma Gandhi)
10-19-2014, 02:24 PM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
(10-18-2014 11:56 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: Omg! I can't help myself but saying that I find some comments so utterly rude!
Why is it that people always want to toxicate what comes from a good willing source such as Co.Op is atempting to do?
Don't you like somone else than you came with this plan in development?
Can't your ego handle that?
I just am so disgusted by all these negative remarks.
Mirror yourself and your true intentions/ agenda for trying to be a killjoy and go do your own cooporation or something constructive, shees!
Stop ruining other people's iniatives and have a life!
well said. I think it's part people being rude because they like to make others miserable, and part competitors fearing what's happening and wanting to stop it before it "hurts their business".
With dozens of kitty markets out there, if a few start to cooperate, others start seeing it as a threat...
Happens in any online "community", you should see the World of Tanks and World of Warcraft forums. They're so toxic most people (including me) avoid most areas of them and just browse the official announcements (and the responses to those are toxic as well).
10-22-2014, 06:29 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
Please remove the name of Pixel Paws, this group.
I wish you all luck and success for the Coop!
Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
10-22-2014, 10:57 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
Okay so I've been really out of the loop and can't seem to find in the first post what the co-operation effort does exactly? Can someone explain? Is it just collaborating for auctions and planning KittyCatS-related events, holiday festivals, etc without time overlaps? Are there so many markets that these joining markets must come together to schedule things without stepping on another's time slot? IDK, That's what I gathered from a few posts above mine.
Sorry if this is a silly or dense question. I haven't been able to go in-world much in this past year (Hi friends!) so I'm a bit unaware of things. What does this effort actually do?
I always thought we were cooperating despite very different attitudes and approaches to facets of KittyCatS. At the end of the day, must we cooperate anyway as we're all in KittyCatS together, no?  I guess this is where my confusion comes from.
Thank you so much for an explanation.
![[Image: ohdeersig.gif]](http://oh-deer.net/ohdeersig.gif)
KittyCatS History Thread
10-30-2014, 09:28 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
(10-05-2014 04:30 AM)Song Indigo Wrote: As a new-ish member of the KC community, and keen buyer of the little critters, I hope the Co-op might think about forming an auctions group to consolidate all the various auctions going on at the many sims. My time zone is funky, and I seem to miss all the auctions, it would be so convenient to be able to join an auctions group and have someone post in the group just before an auction starts so I can get along.
Also, I went to the page that supposedly advertises most of the auctions going on. I spent some time tp'ing around these auctions at the stated times. Many of the slurls led to dead ends, or no auctions happening. This is another good reason to have an auctions group, imho.
Best of luck with the new venture.
I wanted to pass along the link to the Google Spread Sheet that I update (have been doing so for 2 yrs) that is current as of the date listed at the top of the spread sheet.
I am not sure if this was the link you were referring to. But I hope this helps. I do try and TP around from time to time and make sure that the listed auction is taking place. Sometimes that is hard with my RL Schedule.
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
11-12-2014, 11:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2014 11:47 AM by Crepe Myrtle.)
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
I have seen negative and positive comments on this thread, which I don't normally chime in because of the mixture of feelings and opinions. In my opinion, it is a great idea to have this Co.Op, a sense of unity between breeders and markets. As Noc mentioned, new breeders join KittyCats because we go places having our cute kitties either on our shoulder or riding on one. As a breeder, we are advertising our OWN kitties. It helps to have a pick of your store in your profile so these new breeders can see more kitties. If it's not your store, at least, show how much you love KittyCats and put it as your pick
Honestly, this is quite a large task and effort to do and applaud for everyone who is putting this together. Tasks such consolidating auctions, events, or classes take time and effort. When there is no clear vision or goal as Tad pointed out, indeed, it will lead to disaster or even confusion, animosity, or possibly jealousy as Jwenting pointed out. As of right now, there are so many biased comments and judgment. So how do we move from this? Few people have pointed at what they want to see from this effort. Here are my comments for everyone to think about (let it sink in first before reacting):
1. PROPOSAL - As Tad pointed out, to write a governing charter. But before writing that, what is the mission of Co.Op? What is the vision? Where is it heading? What are the focuses? Are you focusing on consolidating auctions, creating events, or have breeding classes? What are the values you are imposing? Who is coordinating all of it? When do you plan to execute it? Do you have a timeline? All these efforts will be agreed by everyone. I think everyone will be at ease what are these things and see it in writing. It's like writing a business proposal and all of us are just waiting to see what is the proposal.
2. WHO - After writing the mission statement, vision goals, and values, I would suggest to have a liaison between markets who is not connected or working for any breedable markets. In order to coordinate any focuses you are planning, the person will be fair and have great deal of sound judgment, plus patience. I am sorry to say this, but to deal with different personalities and bear in mind, language barriers require a deal of patience. I am going to root for this person whoever you pick and I have his/her support for doing these tasks, just saying
3. MARKET - How is the advertising will work? Are groups will be created? Will there be a website that people can look at? I know there is one, but I think it has been forgotten by few. How do you handle people who can't have groups anymore? How do you reach them? How do you get them involved? Statistically speaking, how many people do really pay attention to group notices and forum? I know BreAnn (Brunabug Nightfire) has been keeping up with auction schedule gridwide fabulously and I rely on her spreadsheet a lot since I can't have groups anymore and I'm one of the people who turned off notices so yes, I will miss notices. I'm filled with groups.
I am still hopeful that this effort can be done. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being patient to read all my damn questions. Always have fun and enjoy breeding
Crepe Myrtle
Rawr! Kitty Owner
11-17-2014, 02:15 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
The Co-op sounds like a great idea, as the KittyCats community hasnt had any uniformity in many areas.
I am wondering how much power the Co-op will have, will it be setting the prices of what should be charged for the kitties and will they be moving to only have certain types of kitties to be bred?
I suppose what worries me is that I have seen Co-ops in the real world start out with the best of intentions but then seem to lose sight of why it was formed, some in real life have become like a dictatorship, I am not at all saying this is what will happen but are their going to be guidelines that will stop that from happening?
Also if a breeder or cattery or shop isnt connected with the Co-op how will the non membership affect them especially if the Co-op gathers most of the SL catteries into its membership?
As I said earlier I believe that a well run Co-op will be a Godsend to the KittyCats community as we do need uniformity as long as we dont lose the individuality that makes the KittyCats the best of any other breedables in SL.
Rheaven Tussaud (Resident)
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11-17-2014, 07:45 AM
RE: Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
It's a Co-op not a cartel.
I'm sure, if they ever attempted to fix prices or regulate breeding choices, the effort will, quite rightly, go down in flames.
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