The problem is we do not all have the time to wait literaly 15 minutes, in fact I never wait and lose quite some kitties that way, if it that was so for Online Cattery users that they had to wait 15 minutes it would be only fair if it was so for us too but that isn't the fact and that is what I don't like.
For second thoughts we now have the re-packer.
A switch for those who love to wait 15 minutes or even longer for a box to be unwrapped would be the only fair solution I think.
(06-04-2014 05:51 PM)Mari Halderman Wrote: Well it used to be 30 minutes, so be a bit thankful
I like these ideas too, especially Tads, love the idea of the dock as an updater
About being thankful: I'm just a paying customer with a suggestion namely treat Online Cattery users the same as in world breeders that in fact has nothing to do with being thankful or not but more with serving both in world and Online breeders the same because we do also pay the same.
Doing a suggestion to the KittyCatS!
business is only normal customer feedback.
Being thankful I do each month when I buy plenty of food & milk and during the month via obtaining vita's and whatnot and have done and still do on many occassions via owners or KC employees who bust their *ss off, ... but this is the feedback corner and I use it as such.
Having said that I am positive KC considers themselves a mature enough business to be able to handle customer feedback and perhaps it helps them even to possibly improve their product via the feedback they receive from their customers and it is a free of charge spontanious customer experience survey.