(03-21-2014 05:12 PM)Ethereal Hurricane Wrote: I don't pay attention enough, but I don't think they'll ever have a sale on perma-pets. Not that it's been confirmed or anything, but Tad did a nice write-up located here, that kinda gives a reasoning as to why they wouldn't. Just skim down to the second half of the post.
They do occasionally have them as prizes for various events though.
Ethereal Thanks for your post of the link I really enjoyed the reading.
(03-22-2014 12:12 AM)Keltora Edenbaum Wrote: I've sold a few perma-pets. Some were collector kitties and others weren't. I usually charge the price of what it cost to perma-pet plus what I feel the kitty is worth after shopping around to price the cat. Mine have sold pretty well, but I of course cannot speak for anyone else. 
Thank You for your reply Keltora This is what I was thinking. Because the cost of a Perma-Vitamin alone would be like just giving away a Kitty Pet that will no longer eat nor cost any thing to keep.
I do have a good friend that doesn't get In World much any more and there is one kity Fur that she was really wanting but can not take care of unless it is perma petted. Which is what I plan to do for her. But I won't be charging her the L$1500 to L$1800 LOLOL! I hope she don't read this lolol
But I do have some Beautiful Kitties that I would Love to Perma Pet for resale. Some also are Collection Kitties and some are not. But have retired from breeding.
Collection/ Costume Kitties I can see there being a market to Permapet them for resale.
Now I'm wondering about none Costume/Collection Kitties. Should I go ahead and perma Pet them or hold off until someone is looking for a certain one?