Since the 9th December I am no longer receiving an email whenever one of my cats has a baby. I receive all other offline messages from second life. I have checked and everything seems ok and have no idea why this is happening. Am I the only one having this issue or this is something that happened to everyone?
I also have a suggestion!
How about including the stats of the newborn on that email?
Untill the 9th Dec I would receive an email without fail... now I don't receive from the in world cats but the ones in cattery also don't say a thing. So, it is not a SIM issue...
I just sorted it out... and yes it was being sent to spam but on the original account and not on the account where I receive my emails (my avatar has her account redirected to my personal email address, but the spam was being retained at the original email)... thanks for making me check!
(12-24-2013 03:09 AM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: Recently a TON of my offline messages have been going to my spam folder as well. I wonder why the change all of a sudden.
Possibly because sometimes they spam us with messages stating they are hungry little spammers