Two new things have been added to the Instructional Breeding Project!
1. A tutorial!!
This is a self-directed tutorial: Show up whenever you like and navigate the tutorial using the buttons provided. Go at your own pace, review material if you like, come back and do the tutorial again whenever you need to. No class to schedule, no time zones to fuss with. Come and study alone or bring friends!
2. The first kitty!!
The starter cat and her partner have had their first kitten! Come and see what they had and see what we can learn about what the starter cat is hiding! Notecards are available to take with you in case you prefer to learn in your own space in SL, or if you'd like a reference to use for the future. I've also included the info at the end of this post.
Come and visit, feel free to hang out! Ask questions using the mailbox in-world or post to this thread.


~ Week 1 Kitten Info ~
(This assumes you've read the intro notecard/info and checked out Ricky's pedigree notecard)
It's Week 1 and we have our first kitten from Poppy and Ricky!
Here are the stats of the new kitty:
? New Born Kitten
Fur: Genesis - Diamond III
Eyes: Genesis Water (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Plush
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Guitar)
Size: Normal
MOM: Poppy
Fur: Genesis - Diamond III
Eyes: Genesis Water (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Silver (Shape: Guitar)
DAD: Ricky
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Gerbera Purple (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Big Boo Boo
Ears: Soft Fold
Whiskers: White (Shape: Curious)
(Ricky's full pedigree information is available by clicking on his sign in-world)
We only pulled 3 traits but these 3 tell us a lot of information about Poppy, already! Let's look:
1. Tail.
The kitten has Plush tail. Check Saga's charts ( What is the order of dominance for Plush tail and (Dad's/Ricky's) Big Boo Boo Tail?
Plush tail is the more dominant of the two, so the Plush tail could not have been hiding behind Dad's/Ricky's Big Boo Boo tail. Our kitten's shown Plush tail must have come from Mom/Poppy.
Poppy shows Genesis tail, and we know that didn't pass, or else the kitten would have been showing the dominant Genesis tail. So the Plush tail must have been Poppy's hidden tail.
(If this is making NOOO sense at all, please check out the tutorial in-world
2. Ears.
The kitten has Mysterious ears. Check Saga's charts again... Mysterious ears are dominant to Dad's/Ricky's shown Soft Fold ears.
Mom/Poppy shows Genesis ears, and we know those didn't pass, or else the kitten would be showing the dominant Genesis ears. So the Mysterious ears must have been Poppy's hidden ears.
3. Whisker Colour.
Things are interesting with the whisker colour. The kitten has white whiskers, but so does Dad/Ricky! Remember when we examined Ricky's pedigree, we thought he *might* hide Two-Tone or Black whisker colour?
So, there are two possibilities here:
a) The kitten got her shown white whisker from Dad's/Ricky's shown whisker colour.
That means the kitten got Poppy's hidden whisker colour as her hidden whisker colour (she could not have gotten Poppy's shown whisker colour because Poppy shows Silver whiskers, and Silver is more dominant than White - if Poppy had passed the Silver instead, then the kitten would show Silver whiskers, not White whiskers).
b) The kitten got Dad's/Ricky's hidden whisker trait, which *might* be Two-Tone or Black.
This would mean the kitten's shown whisker colour came from Poppy. Since the kitten shows White whiskers, then this would have to be Poppy's hidden whisker colour, because if Mom/Poppy had passed the more dominant Silver whiskers, then they would have shown on the kitten over the White whiskers.
If (a) is true, then this kitten is hiding white whiskers or a colour more recessive than white (every whisker colour discovered so far - as of May 23/13 - is more recessive than white, so that leaves a lot of options).
If (b) is true, then Poppy is hiding white whiskers, which this kitty got as her shown whisker, and her hidden whisker is Dad's/Ricky's hidden whisker (which could be white, two-tone, or black).
How do we find out if it's (a) or (b)? We have some options:
i Wait for a boy kitty with white whiskers and breed these two siblings together.
If both kitties are hiding Mom's or Dad's hidden whisker, we've got a 25% chance of finding it every time they have a kitten. Of course, if (b) is true then both kittens could hide two-tone or black whiskers, and that will not help us because how will we know if the two-tone or black came from Dad/Ricky or Mom/Poppy?
Also, if Poppy is hiding white whiskers, then it's possible the kittens have pure white whiskers (recall this means the shown and hidden whisker trait are the same): the kittens got Dad's/Ricky's shown White whisker colour and Mom's/Poppy's hidden White whisker colour.
In this case, the sibling kittens would always give us white whiskers and we would not know if it was just back luck or if Poppy was really hiding white whiskers.
If we get any other whisker colour back though (not white, black, or two-tone), we'll know that must have come from Poppy.
ii Wait for a boy kitty with white whiskers and breed him to Mom/Poppy.
At some point (25% chance each breeding) Poppy's hidden whisker colour will come up against the boy kitty's hidden whisker colour and something would appear in their baby.
But still, if this produces two-tone or black whiskers, did they come from Mom/Poppy or Dad's/Ricky's hidden whisker colour? And as with option (i), if the boy kitty got his white whiskers from Dad's/Ricky's shown white whiskers, and his hidden whiskers from mom are also white, then breeding him back with Mom/Poppy will just keep producing more white whisker kitties, and we won't know if this is just bad luck or if Mom/Poppy is hiding white whiskers.
iii Breed the Week 1 kitten with a boy kitty that shows a very recessive whisker colour (such as Latte).
The Latte might "pull out" the kitten's hidden whisker colour. If we get Latte back, then this kitten is hiding Latte, or something new and more recessive than Latte.
If we get Two-Tone or Black back, there's still a chance that this is Dad's/Ricky's hidden whisker colour.
If we get White, we won't know if this is the kitten's shown whisker or if she is indeed hiding White whiskers from Poppy

As mentioned previously, we won't know if a run of white whiskers is bad luck or if it's because the kitten has pure white whiskers from Ricky and Poppy.
Any other whisker colour would have to have come from Poppy.
iv Breed
Poppy with a cat that had a very recessive whisker colour like Latte.
If the kitten has Latte, then we'll know Poppy is hiding Latte or something new and more recessive. Anything else would have to be Poppy's hidden whisker colour!
This will solve the Two-Tone/Black problem and the White problem: none of these whiskers will hide behind Latte, so if they come out of Poppy and a Latte cat, they must be Poppy's hidden whisker colour!
Option (iv) is easiest way to find out Poppy's hidden whisker colour. If we don't eventually figure out the hidden whisker colour from other offspring, we'll breed Poppy with a Latte whisker kitty and see what happens
So, in summary, we have discovered that Poppy hides:
Plush Tail
Mysterious Ears
White or better whisker colour
The next breeding is coming up soon! Maybe we'll find out more information!