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charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
05-25-2016, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2016 06:38 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #1
charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
I am going to change this top section because there are traits being placed not showing placed in Sagas. Since there is a growing gap between the proven charts on the forum and Saga's, I need an easier place to quickly refer to things. So as I re-send charts through the PM, I will also put just the current location things at the top here for as long as there is a discrepency with Saga's. This is just for convenience. I think the Saga volunteers do a lot of hard work and put in a lot of time but they have certain criteria and follow up that they do and we all have RL which can take up time too -- go figure, lol. Also if Saga gets a chart before the forum does, we can just add a line of text in the thread to match Saga. Saga cannot do that -- they need the chart. So send your charts in to Saga as well as put them on the forum.

List last update: 7/22/16
NOTE: I'd refer to the fur and eye placement threads for newest info as the activity is moving there for placement work
Eyes: https://kittycats.ws/forum/showthread.php?tid=26486
Furs: https://kittycats.ws/forum/showthread.php?tid=26487

Discrepencies between Forum Threads and Saga's charts


Burmilla - Red Silver Shaded (Placed, Fabao charts, 6/20/16, not re-sent as he sends his in)
Thread: Placed: between Tonkinese Blue Mink and Burmilla Chocolate
Saga's thread: Recessive to Australian Mist - Blue Marble

Chateau Tawny & White No.1 (re-sent chart 7/14/16)
Thread: Placed: between Russian White and Abyssinian Blue
Saga's thread: dominant to Burmese Platinum and recessive to Russian White


Crystal Crush (resent: 5/26/16)
Thread: Crystal Crush is dominant to Pewter which is now placed between Odyssey Cognac Moon and Morning Dew.
Saga currently: Crystal Crush is dominant to Bronze, Twilight, & Crystal Berry and recessive to Full Moon. (on Pewter line, note says Pewter is dominant to Bronze and recessive to Odyssey Cognac Moon (and Crystal Crush)

Galaxy Sun (4 charts re-sent: 6/17/16)
Thread: dominant for Exotic Breeze and recessive to Odyssey Bellini
Saga currently: nothing yet

Malachite (new chart by Peaches 6/17, not re-sent as I think she sent it in)
Thread: Malachite is recessive to Key Lime
Saga's thread: dominant to Crystal Spring, Crystal Dream, and Frost and recessive to Oceania

Thread: between Ody Bell and Dry Olive
Saga's thread: recessive to Odyssey Bellini

Saga currently: dominant to Canary & Crystal Berry, and recessive to Gerbera Blue & Crystal Crush
Thread: Notation, not chart. Crystal Crush is recessive to Full Moon, Full Moon is placed. So Twilight is between Canary/Crystal Berry and Full Moon



Lush (dreamy 6/16; OFW 6/17 & 6/20 -- charts not sent in, assuming breeders did)
Thread: between Dreamy and Odyssey FrazzyWave
Saga: recessive to Light Wave

Saga chart and Forum Thread now matches on these

Australian Mist Snow (re-sent: 5/26/16)
Thread: Placed: between Snowshow Cream and Foxie Salt and Pepper Mask
Saga currently: dominant to Aby Dark Choc & Burmilla Black Silver Shaded, and recessive to Foxie Salt & Pepper
7/9 Saga now matches the thread

British Shorthair -- Cream & White (re-sent: 6/17/16)
Thread: dominant to Black Bengal and recessive to Burmese Champagne
Saga's thread: dominant to Foxie Salt & Pepper Mask
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Burmilla Black Silver Shaded (re-sent 6/8/2016)
Thread: Placed: Proves Burmilla Black Silver Shaded placed between Abyssinian Dark Chocolate and Siamese Chocolate Tortie
Saga currently: Burmilla Black Silver Shaded dominant to Abyssinian Dark Chocolate and recessive to Foxie Salt & Pepper
7/9 Saga now matches the thread

Tonkinese Champagne ( resent: 6/9/2016)
Thread: Proves Tonkinese Champagne is between Bengal Copper and Chateau Cocoa & White No.2
Saga currently: Tonkinese Champagne dominant to Chateau Cocoa & White No.2 and recessive to Chateau Grey & White No. 2.
6/13 Saga now matches the thread

Autumn Leaf (re-sent 6/11/16)
Thread: Proves Autumn Leaf is between Ice Crystal and Double-Dip Flora
Saga currently: Autumn Leaf dominant to Double-Dip Flora and recessive to Beach Blue
6/13 Saga now matches the thread

Crystal Berry (first send of chart : 6/14/16)
Thread: Crystal Berry is between Morning Dew and Canary
Saga currently: dominant to Canary, and recessive to Full Moon (also Twilight & Crystal Crush)
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Crystal Berry (Placed, 7/21/16, chart sent 7/22)
Thread: Placed: between Bronze and Canary
Saga's thread: Crystal Berry is dominant to Canary, and recessive to Morning Dew (also Twilight & Crystal Crush)
7/24 Saga now matches the thread

Frost (first send: 6/23/16)
Thread: Frost is recessive to Full Moon
Saga's currently:dominant to Starry Baby Blues and recessive to Malachite
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Galaxy Burst
Thread: 7/16 recessive to Exotic Journey
Saga: recessive to Dry Olive
7/24 Saga now matches the thread

Galaxy Star (re-sent: 6/8/2016)
Thread: Placed: Proves Galaxy Star recessive to Exotic Journey (3 charts sent from Ivy and Arwen)
Saga currently: Galaxy Star now showing recessive to Exotic Journey as of 6/6,needs 2nd chart
6/11 Saga now matches the thread

Odyssey Cognac Moon (re-sent: 6/8/2016)
Thread: Placed: Proves Odyssey Cognac Moon is between Full Moon and Morning Dew
Saga currently: dominant to Morning Dew & Pewter, and recessive to Exotic Treasure
6/13 Saga now matches the thread

Pewter (Placed, 7/11/16, chart sent 7/12)
Thread: Placed: between Odyssey Cognac Moon and Morning Dew
Saga's thread: Pewter is dominant to Bronze and recessive to Odyssey Cognac Moon (and Crystal Crush)
7/24 Saga now matches the thread

Pomegranate (resent: 5/26/16 for Pomegranate re Crystal Crush, 6/14/16 first chart sent for Pomegranate re Crystal Berry)
Thread: Pomegranate is dominant to Crystal Berry (Morning Dew-Canary) and recessive to Full Moon/Crystal Crush
Saga currently: Pomegranate dominant to Wild Cherry and recessive to Full Moon
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Sparkle Dream (resent: 6/17/16)
Thread: dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond
Saga's charts says: dominant to Tapestry Royale and recessive to Crystal Dream
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Tapestry Allure (resent: 6/4/16)
Thread: Tapestry Allure is dominant to Morning Dew
Saga currently: Tapestry Allure is dominant to Bronze, and recessive to Gerbera Blue
7/11 Saga now matches the thread

Butterscotch (resent: 5/27/16)
Thread: Placed: Proves Butterscotch between Latte and Flame
Sent charts by Fabao Oh against Latte and Flame
Saga currently: Butterscotch not showing yet
7/9 Saga now matches the thread

Butterscotch (first send: 6/16/16)
Saga currently: Butterscotch not showing yet
Saga needs 2 charts
Proof of a 2nd chart dom to Flame
Chart by Alassariah Resident (Proof dom to Flame)

7/9 Saga now matches the thread

Cream (re-sent 6/14/16)
Thread: Cream is recessive to Chocolate
Saga currently: as of 6/13/16 Cream whisker colour dominant to Dusky, recessive to Blonde Streaked
7/9 Saga now matches the thread

Dreamy fold (resent: 5/26/16)
Thread: Placed: Proves Dreamy Fold dominant to Odyssey Rounded Fold, placing Dreamy fold between MOF and ORF
Saga currently: Dreamy Fold ears recessive to Mysterious Odyssey Fold
6/13 Dreamy Fold ears dominant to Soft Curl and recessive to Mysterious Odyssey Fold


Original first message on 5/25/16
I send charts on the forum to Saga's folks by n by Forum PM, not email so it depends on when one volunteer has time to check their PM mail. PM should notify their email when they have one but lately that hasn't been happening. This is to check which have posted and then see if anything else needs to be re-sent. It's easy to miss charts that are scattered across threads.

This is a list of charts sent in from the forum that I know of and which have shown/not shown on Saga's. Please keep in mind Saga requires 2 proofs.
Recent Saga's proofs
May 19: Bronze PLACED recessive to Morning Dew
May 19: Full Moon PLACED recessive to Gerbera Purple
May 19: Pumpkin recessive to Jade
May 19: Autumn Leaf dominant to Double Dip Flora

Sent in (shown or not shown in Saga's). 3/29 shown Autumn Leaf dominant to Double Dip Flora
4/3 shown Pumpkin recessive to Jade
4/3 n/a Crystal Berry is recessive to Gerbera Purple
4/3 shown Full Moon is placed between Gerbera Purple and Canary
(note: this affected Crystal Berry proof as Crystal Berry is known to be recessive to Full Moon already)
resend of 3/29 5/6 shown Autumn Leaf is dominant to Double Dip Flora
resend of 4/3 5/6 shown Pumpkin recessive to Jade

I thought I sent in some more but it looks like not. So all of the proofs I sent in April have posted. I will go back over the past month on forum posts and see if there is anything that should be sent in. I think I held off on sending more until the ones I sent were posted but don't remember now which ones they were. If you have one and have already sent it in but it's not showing in Saga's yet, please add an addendum here so I know not to resend something that's already been sent.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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[Image: Kayla_Woodrunner]
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 Thanks given by: Reven Rosca , Eleanor8 Resident , Mirsoul Resident , fabioazevedo Oh , Jhanelle Bonde
05-25-2016, 03:39 PM
Post: #2
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Dreamy Fold dominant to ORF

Forum based dominance charts

Tad nailed it!
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05-25-2016, 07:20 PM
Post: #3
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
I sent in Crystal Crush is dominant to Pomegranate awhile back.
That's kind of an annoying one because it just has to be put in the notes at the bottom of the chart since neither Crystal Crush nor Pomegranate are anchored.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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05-25-2016, 09:48 PM
Post: #4
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Australian Mist Snow was placed
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05-26-2016, 12:31 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2016 12:41 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #5
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Thanks Ivy, Reven, and Jag. I will resend them.

I am starting a list down here of charts not showing yet and whether I have forwarded them on. I will reference the author of hte charts to Saga's and to you all. Anyone who doesn't want me to forward their chart just say so. I do expect most of you all have forwarded your charts but if not, if you see it on the list, please do so. They prefer email. (I just avoid email since my time at the library is limited and emial is a timesink -- no like SL, lol)

Also Saga's do their best like all of us and are volunteers and do get backlogged, get sick and go on vacation plus need 2 charts. So this is meant to be helpful in case things got overlooked.

Since I am a listmaker -- listing by categories

Australian Mist Snow
Saga currently: dominant to Aby Dark Choc & Burmilla Black Silver Shaded, and recessive to Foxie Salt & Pepper
Thread: Placed between Snowshow Cream and Foxie Salt and Pepper Mask
Chart by Jag
Date chart resent: 5/26/16

Crystal Crush
Saga currently: Crystal Crush is dominant to Starry Baby Blues, Twilight, & Crystal Berry and recessive to Gerbera Pink and Full Moon
Thread: Crystal Crush is dominant to Pomegranate too
Chart by Ivy
Date chart resent: 5/26/16

Saga currently: Pomegranate dominant to Wild Cherry and recessive to Full Moon
Thread: Crystal Crush is dominant to Pomegranate too
Chart by Ivy
Date chart resent: 5/26/16

Dreamy fold
Saga currently: Dreamy Fold ears recessive to Mysterious Odyssey Fold
Thread: Proves Dreamy Fold dominant to ORF, placing Dreamy fold
Chart by Jaime Poutine posted by Ivy Lane:
Date chart resent: 5/26/16

I sent those 3 today but my library hour is about run out. So will try to do some more tomorrow. It was very helpful that you all listed the charts I needed to hit so I could just got to them and could concentrate on this post as well as the PM to Saga. (For those curious: PM to Saga looks like that paragraph blurb you see here, plus the chart posted inline into the PM and a copy/paste of the original post by whoever posted it.)

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Reven Rosca
05-27-2016, 03:35 PM
Post: #6
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Butterscotch whisker colour placed https://kittycats.ws/forum/showthread.php?tid=26187&pid=102316#pid102316

Forum based dominance charts

Tad nailed it!
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 Thanks given by: Kayla Woodrunner
05-27-2016, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2016 12:34 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #7
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Saga currently: Butterscotch not showing yet
Thread: Proves Butterscotch between Latte and Flame
Charts by Fabio: (one for latte, one for flame
Date charts resent: 5/27/16

sorry got to the library late today and it closes early on Fridays so only had time to send the one. Thanks for the help Reven

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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[Image: Kayla_Woodrunner]
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 Thanks given by: Reven Rosca
06-03-2016, 01:35 PM
Post: #8
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Tapestry Allure is dominant to Morning Dew, but this isn't showing on the charts. I did send them in.

Thread from February.

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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06-04-2016, 12:43 PM
Post: #9
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
Tapestry Allure
Saga currently: Tapestry Allure is dominant to Bronze, and recessive to Gerbera Blue - more info, please
Thread: Tapestry Allure is dominant to Morning Dew
Charts by Ivy Norsk
Date charts resent: 6/4/16

Thanks for the help Ivy!

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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[Image: Kayla_Woodrunner]
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06-06-2016, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2016 08:18 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #10
RE: charts from the forum that need to be sent in to Saga?
6/8/16 Note: 3 re-sends done today: Burmilla Black Silver Shaded fur and Galaxy Star eyes


Burmilla Black Silver Shaded
Saga currently: Burmilla Black Silver Shaded dominant to Abyssinian Dark Chocolate and recessive to Foxie Salt & Pepper
Thread: Placed: Proves Burmilla Black Silver Shaded placed between Abyssinian Dark Chocolate and Siamese Chocolate Tortie
Chart by doubledareme Resident
Date charts resent: 6/8/2016


Frost (as of 6/6/16 Saga's is updated to match -- no need to re-send now)
Saga currently: Frost dominant to Jade and recessive to Malachite
Thread: Proves Frost is between Oceania/ Malachite and Starry Baby Blues
Chart by Kayla (dom to Strawberry Bellini)
Chart by CodyLightning (rec to Starry Baby Blue
Date charts resent: to be done

Galaxy Star
Saga currently: Galaxy Star not showing yet
Thread: Placed: Proves Galaxy Star recessive to Exotic Journey
Chart by Ivy Lane
Charts by Arwen Swordthain
Date charts re-sent: 6/8/2016

Odyssey Cognac Moon
Saga currently: dominant to Morning Dew & Pewter, and recessive to Exotic Treasure
Thread: Placed: Proves Odyssey Cognac Moon is between Full Moon and Morning Dew
Chart by Kayla
Date charts re-sent: 6/8/2016

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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[Image: Kayla_Woodrunner]
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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk
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