Hello Lovely KittyCatS Peeps

My name is Nino Heartsdale and yes... I AM A CAT-A-HOLIC.
My story is really quite simple - I just wanted ONE cat as a pet.... because I really miss having them in RL.... Mum's allergic to them - or so she claims

The rest is history, as recorded in my profile picks:
" Phoebe, Chi, Tawny and Neo... that was just the start .... currently up to no. 16
.... ummmm make that 17 .... No. I mean 18!!! O.o
.... oops 33. I HAVE TO STOP. I NEED HELP!!!
.... whispers.... oh no.... the big FOUR-O!!!! :O
.... dont even ask >.<
Check out my store at Too Adorable... you wont be able to resist - trust me - been there, got the kitty!

The latest update is that I am struggling to keep the breeding kitties count down to below 100 - not always successfully, and boxes coming out of my earholes!
But, the good news is that I have just sussed out how to put up kitties for sale on the Market Place, for which I am really thankful! wooohooooo
I also have a store called "The Mad Cat Lady" dotted around various KittyCatS sims. I believe the name is fairly self-explanatory... O.o
I recently started auctioning at the ScratchN Post sim every Friday at 1.30 pm slt. Come and join me sometime - it's fun!
Just like to say that I have met so many wonderful people in this community and made some great friends...
Big thanks to Callie and all the KittyCatS Team!!!