RE: Newbie question on building love
The Love buff is either off or on; the amount of cuddling only determines how long the buff stays on. It's like a gas tank; overfilling the cuddle tank does not make the tank bigger, the extra simply doesn't count. You can tell if the Love buff is active if the Happiness symbol is white. "Milk face."
I haven't paid any attention to how the Love is gained, so I can't comment on that.
I have observed when dashing in late that 30 minutes of cuddling gets you about 24 hours and 5 minutes of the buff. So, calling that 24 hours, if you break up cuddling over the day, five minutes of cuddling equals four hours of buff. I suspect the cat checks into the server every five minutes. I typically cuddle my cats for ten minutes or twenty-five minutes. Because I'm not watching the seconds, I give it one extra minute; so if I cuddle for ten minutes, I actually cuddle for eleven.