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Suggestion:24h 50% discount for PERMAPET! What u think? Or drop the price of PERMAPET
04-11-2012, 08:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2012 08:21 AM by anna Acanthus.)
Post: #2
RE: Suggestion: 24h 50% discount for all stuff what u think?
Well i'm in 2 minds about this.
Of course, perso i'd just love to stock up a bit on food and milk at half price, but then if we all did it then it would be the equivalent say of KCs selling me food and milk at 1/2 price for a couple of months. And some ppl with the means and a ton of kitties would maybe stock up for 6 months. Now the major part of KCs income being from food and milk sales this would mean them taking a helluva loss and if i was in their shoes i wouldn't do this of course.
Another big downside i can see coming form this is that quite a lot of ppl on a stricter budget may up their kitty count and then when the half-price food and milk ran out there'd be a whole lotta panic sales and price dumping which really would do no good at all to the secondary market.
They did a 1/2 price Perma-Pet sale last year though so no reason why they won't do it again, but in fact i really don't see why the price is so high anyway as I'm sure they would make as much if not more from this if they were half the price all the time.
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RE: Suggestion: 24h 50% discount for all stuff what u think? - anna acanthus - 04-11-2012 08:19 AM

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