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About Kittycats and their prices.
03-30-2012, 11:15 AM
Post: #24
RE: About Kittycats and their prices.
I must say that I do not agree that KittyCatS are in any sort of danger of dying due to 2nd market prices declining - rather, this is something that happens ALL the time in ALL breedables, and every now and again someone will panic due to it and make fire-sales.
-And someone will think that they can take something that is currently worth 20k, breed it out, and still get 20k. No, that is not the way it works - it never has and it never will, not in KittyCats and not in any other breedable, ever.

If you want to get your money back, you need to take that 20k-cat and IMPROVE it - add traits, combine the nice fur with some nice eyes etc... THEN you get your money back.

If I had bought a tawny for 50k when they first came out and just bred it to another tawny, I would not have a lot of boxes with 3-4 traited tawnies, and I could only get like 500 for them today - and I would panic and yell "The Sky Is Falling!" because I could not get my investment back.
Instead, I started a loooong project with adding traits and eyes to my tawnies, and before I was done, the tawny-fur in itself is worth almost nothing... BUT because no one else apparently had the patience to breed 9-traited tawnies, mine are still in demand. I breed them carefully, and improve them ever so often by replacing parents with their better kittens etc.

Meanwhile, I started doing the same to Aby. Black Silver - and despite being extremely unlucky with my cats hiding Aby. Black Silver for a long time, they finally (at the age of 50 or so) made me a very nice little boy that is now growing up and is founding my new breed with that fur. -Will I make LOTS of money on that? No, I will not - before I am ready to sell these, "normal" Aby.Black Silvers will sell for 2k or something - but they will sell for decent prices way over what "just" the fur currently brings, people will appreciate them, and they will be extremely useful in breeding to whoever buys them. -And I get the satisfaction of being able to say that yes, this is a good cat, and yes, I earned whatever sale-price it brings me with months of work on this particular breed.

I would never have gotten to that point if I had invested 50k in 2 Aby. Black Silvers and just bred them together. It just doesn't work that way. If you do not IMPROVE what breeds you have, you will not make your investment back. -You can improve your breeds by sheer luck, or well-planned breeding. -I did both, and both are fun - but the well-planned stuff is the way to go in the long run.

I think the most I ever sold a cat for was 26k, around a year ago - and the most I ever bought one for is way less! I go for the mid-range market - the market where breeding is just too slow to really make the big cash, but where it pays in the long run anyway. -And seen from that side of things, KittyCatS are most definitely not dead, and neither is the 2nd market.
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RE: About Kittycats and their prices. - Saga Felix - 03-30-2012 11:15 AM

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