Hiya everyone,
Afther 4 years i return to SL and i am pretty busy in SL. But i see already a few times people having a pet to real big animals in SL and start to get curious. In RL i would get first more information before buying a pet, but here in SL i couldn't longer resist to buy 2 lovely kittens "Bobby" and "Annabel"

right now i try to get as much as possible information. Yes till now i find very basic information, but there seems to be so many options, i realy don't know where to look or where to go.
Help is more as welcome!
In RL my parrents had a small cattery with Persians long hair cats and i did help them alot special when we had small kittens. but rigt here in SL i don't know how collors get mixed when a new kitten comes or how the price of the kitten should be priced.
till now i have a lot of fun with my 2 kittens and let's see what happens afther 7 days
