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Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
04-09-2015, 10:34 AM
Post: #4
RE: Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend!
Oh My goodness Fabio, this narcisstic view verges on a God Complex. You take credit for "making" her the same way you take credit for "making" me. You put up this post that on the surface appears to be in praise of Marissa but its just in praise of yourself and part of your ongoing attempts to demonize those you cannot control and divide a community. Why cant you Ever just be up front with your motives? Why cant you rely on Truth to support your actions? And for the record, it was not your 'creation marissa' who spent many "coffee breaks" with you, it was 'creation Pretty' who spent many coffee breaks in your home. Perhaps all us 'creations' have started to look alike to you from your Ivory Tower in the celestial kingdom.

SUN 4pm & WED 11am Poison's Paradise


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 Thanks given by: Aubreygrace Starlight , LickN Wonder
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Messages In This Thread
# GOD complex - MarissaCloud Resident - 04-09-2015, 10:21 AM
RE: Words of a proud mentor! And a tribute to my friend! - PrettyPoizen Resident - 04-09-2015 10:34 AM

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