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Showcase April exhibition: Whiskers (I think they could use some more entries)
04-06-2015, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015 06:10 PM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #4
RE: Showcase April exhibition: Whiskers (I think they could use some more entries)
Thanks, Kayla, and no biggie!

*nods* I'm thinking eyes with more color might be better, but have been focused on the whiskers.

I'm still VERY new and working on getting the knack of looking at the charts and putting the right parents together. While this certainly wasn't their first kitten together, this pairing was actually my first time back-breeding! Yes, I'm THAT new. Smile

* * *
The Magick Cattery

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RE: Showcase April exhibition: Whiskers (I think they could use some more entries) - MsMagick Resident - 04-06-2015 04:29 PM

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