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Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs
03-12-2012, 06:06 AM
Post: #30
RE: Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs
Hello Tad,

It's Saga - 2 a's :-)

-And thanks for the heads up, but I will hurry in and say that I did not in any way base my charts on your info when I made them. -If I had, I obviously would not have hesitated to credit you for the information.

What I did was to sit down with my own notes that I had spent many months on, and simply start stuffing it into the charts. It was very confusing at first, but slowly I started to make some sort of sense of it, and get an estimate of an actual "dominance order" that was good enough to make public - finally. LOTS of people had been asking me for that for months, since it was no secret that I was working on that.

Shortly before then, you had sent your estimate of a dominance order out, and I had also received lists from a few others who had worked on it at the same time that I did - and also, Theo & Draco Nacht had already made their lists public. So, when I was done with my own notes, I took a look at the other lists I had or had access to, online or in notecards - which all had one thing in common: I did not have access to any sort of final proof of the estimated order in those.
To my delight, it did however fit quite nicely with what I had discovered myself, confirming that maybe the order wasn't entirely off. I think I maybe swapped a pair or two of the more dominant eyes on my list due to finding two independent sources about about them, and not having enough info to prove the lists wrong myself - other than that, the initial list I made public is 100% the work of myself + the people who had willingly sent me various proofs with the purpose of making it public. While I do not remember everyone's names, I did at all times make clear that these lists are not proven by me at all - they're a community project.

Later on, I started posting "news" on the eye chart, crediting single persons for various info, which in some ways was a good idea, in other ways not so much... As it turns out, people like their names on the list and hence are more inclined to send me new proof, but it leaves all those who helped or inspired the lists BEFORE I started making the "news" in an anonymous state.

However, I never did credit you for the info you gave out, that is true - and yes, I did use your lists for cross-reference AFTER creating my own lists - but I assure you, I have not based anything on your lists and then taken the credit. Your post above does make it sound a bit like I did, and while you do not seem too upset or annoyed about it, it clashes quite a bit with my sense of honour in these things. I would never abuse anyone else's hard work and then call it my own, but I am more than willing to cooperate about the lists, and the more the better. So, if you have worked out this method and it works, I would happily cooperate with you and credit you for all your work. As far as I know, your method is rather unique and inventive, so could probably save a lot of people a lot of work. Just right now, Liriel Garnet & Synester Blackburn are doing a LOT of manual work "behind the scenes" to prove the order of the new "fruit-eyes", and we've just started to figure out the order of the new genesis furs, thanks to people who have sent me info that proves that those new genesis-furs DO indeed have a new dominance-order compared to the old.
All that could probably be done a lot easier with your methods, so I am open to cooperating - and as I said, would obviously give credit where credit is due :-)

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RE: Dominance Orders for furs, eyes & traits in Google Docs - Saga Felix - 03-12-2012 06:06 AM

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