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New Snappy tail! Post your evidence here!
03-25-2015, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2015 04:36 PM by fabioazevedo Oh.)
Post: #10
RE: New Snappy tail! Post your evidence here!
(03-25-2015 12:25 PM)Brunabug Nightfire Wrote:  So when is this information going to be passed to Wendi and Charles to add to the SAGA list? Or has it already been passed along to them?

Hi Bruna,

I'll send the link to the list Mr. Cat - Dominance Order Traits for you follow updates.
We have been working in post pedigrees in the open forum for all to see.
All are welcome to post in forum pedigrees, to keep MrCat Cart's updated.

? Mr. Cat - Dominance Order Traits - Kitty Cats

This new list is updated.

hugs hugs


I have two more evidence to Snappy tail, Between 'Puff' and 'Dreamy' tail

Evidence 1: Snappy tail, dominant for Dreamy tail, hiding in kitten valentines

[Image: f580fbe2bb06f1593c39a98bd702ed5e.png]

Evidence 2: Snappy tail, recessive to Puff tail

[Image: 17f93393ba16ad3ea7e9c57aeb81e1ee.png]


Evidence 1: Snappy tail, dominant for Dreamy tail, hiding in kitten valentines

[Image: c2628a352359a0683b7517afbdc0f61f.png]

Evidence 2: Snappy tail, recessive to Puff tail

[Image: 790f3bb3f28a24326e67dd58683133b4.png]

Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
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RE: New Snappy tail! Post your evidence here! - fabioazevedo Oh - 03-25-2015 04:14 PM

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