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KittyCatS Robbery @ Kitty Camelot's Pop-Up Shop!! Nothing Over 75L!!
03-17-2015, 03:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015 03:04 PM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #22
RE: Need A St. Patty's Kitty?: Kitty Pop-Up Shop! Everything 0L-150L This Week Only!
Guen - Thanks for loaning some to my friend. I have to admit that I am a little bit envious of her toy, but I am very glad that I could create happiness in our extended SL/RL household. Smile

BellaDonna - The boxes of the kittens shown are often for sale in my Marketplace store, on the tables at Pixel Paws or IM me. :-)

Now, if you mean the VERY cool signature block that shows the pic and description of my most recent kitten, I am part of this beta test:

I had an issue with the St. Paddy's kitten not registering, and we figured out why, so I think I even contributed to his getting it updated for them. :-)

* * *
The Magick Cattery

In World Kitties For Sale: http://torgon.info/manage/index.html#!/k...20Resident
MarketPlace: http://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167189
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 Thanks given by: Guenevere Amaranth
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RE: Need A St. Patty's Kitty?: Kitty Pop-Up Shop! Everything 0L-150L This Week Only! - MsMagick Resident - 03-17-2015 03:02 PM

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