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New Fur More Recessive, Australian Mist - Blue Marble
12-19-2014, 04:22 AM
Post: #16
Mine Proof too! :-)
Here we are!
This is the long story of the breedings of my Monster Mash Boo Boo Beast! (the first time i let the name as in the Collection!) with the hidden Australian Mist Blue Marble fur!

the first breed of this Boo-Hoo Beast was with another Monster Mash and had a Siamese Lilac..

The second breed was with Frazziwiglia, a Bali Seal with Jade and Ody Frazzywave whiskers.. and the box i had was a Balinese - Seal Lynx with Odyssey Cognac Moon, and Boo Boo whiskers
[Image: cf822641a8205bc6b014759fa5792e94_zpsb912f097.png]

Third one was with Lovegirl, a Foxie Salt & Pepper with Ody Bellini a frisky tail that was a Swanky hiden probabily, Vampire ears, Blonde and curious whiskers
and had back a Snowshoe Cream with a Sassy tail and Rounded ears
(yes, you see right. I've (wrongly!!) menageried the box and i'm still banging my head against the edge of the marble table in the living room..)
[Image: e96ee0a1cf3a96111feb4de51077882f_zpsca4d50ba.png]

the 4th was with Lattepeppera a Salt & Pepper with Rainbow Prism, Latte and Plush whiskers and had back a Salt & Pepper, Odyssey Cognac Moon and Plush whiskers. Birthed that cat Smile and called her Mata Hari Wink
[Image: 0f4b635d7e16179c59c34005dc7812de_zpsa0d7f731.png]

Waiting for Mata Hari , the Monster Mash bred with Torica, a Siamese Choco Tortie with Key Lime, Puff and Soft Curl and Black Whiskers.. and gave me a Siamese Chocolate Tortie with Odyssey Cognac Moon, Rounded ears, and 2tone Black & White Whiskers..
[Image: ff969cc0b775746d087e66af0117c123_zps656db6e5.png]

When Mata Hari was read though to put her and the dad with 2 Aby Dark Chocolate.. so Mata Hari bred with Sir Espresso, an Abyssinian Dark Chocolate and gave me back the Aby Dark Choco!
(that birthed! and called Susie Monster)
[Image: 01a659ba32e1862ac681e6c420f0f91a_zps13c3eb7d.png]

And the Monster Mash bred with Arundhati, an Aby Dark Chocolate with Strawberry Bellini and gave a cutie Aby Dark Chocolate, with Odyssey Cognac Moon and Rounded ears, that birthed and is called Rocket Smile
[Image: 7ad46009b0e3600454b42f83f150247f_zpscb4e5f8a.png]

And finally Monster Mash bred with her daughter (erm..) Mata Hari and gave me this cute Australian Mist - Blue Marble (that me, with all my fantasy and creativity, called him Blue Marble.. (but only because with a quick search on Google discovered that Blue Marble is a famous photograph of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft, at a distance of about 45,000 kilometers (28,000 mi) Smile
They were a little bit greedy because the eyes are the Genesis Meadow, that have to admit are pretty cute on this fur, but with a sweet Soft Fold ears Smile oh! and BooBoo whiskers!
[Image: 61865c0eea073b7b84a3236025de8d76_zps666d1629.png]
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , brittanybelike Resident , Vrem Vaniva , Ivy Norsk , Eurydice Barzane
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Mine Proof too! :-) - Lixy Byron - 12-19-2014 04:22 AM

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