Well my thought is...
... Yes, there are too many auctions. However if one marketplace starts laying off auction times not a week later some other marketplace will take the time. To get this under control I suggest we work something out in the co-op. We have recently given two spots to the Co-Op, and I think it has already been filled... Maybe the Co-Op could work out some sort of arrangement.
... Yes, the amount of breeders has exploded. Which is also why I think that it is KC's turn to help the market. Not because I want them to earn less but because the food and sales value ratio just is too far apart right now. I know it is hard to lower prices, and setting them up at a later time, can ruin your buisness, so I think the idea of food and milk sales during LE would be good. And yes, there should be a limit to reduce hording. Maybe make a pack of X amount food on sale per LE you buy... so those who buy many can have the food for them at a favorable price and those who buy only a few... well the same thing. Not sure if that is enough to prevent hording.
... Yes, the menageri value should be set up, that could for sure be a way out of this mess. If KC would do that I would get back to breeding. I stopped breeding because I breed what I like, unfortunately what I like are red tabbies and no-one buys red tabbies at a reasonable price, and since I had to stop uploading linden due to rl I had to stop my hobby. So thausend times yes to that one... I would like to breed my red tabbies again
... I am sad to see that some people already have judged the Co-Op to be a miss. Yes there have been some starter problems and a little more structure would be nice, however it is a first step towards working together. I really hope that we can pull together all of us, that includes KC, and make the Kitty breeding fun again.
... I think events on ALL the different marketplaces would be awesome... I mean I wouldn't want to host the Q&A (let's leave that to the pros) but I would sure love it if it were held on our sim. But other events would be great too
... As a collar creator I would love a permanent bigger packege... I usually create collars in 19 different colors and the biggest pack we can get is 20 collars.