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Return of the Drop Bug **IMPORTANT**
09-25-2014, 07:05 AM
Post: #19
Heart RE: Return of the Drop Bug **IMPORTANT**
'Kitten Longmeadow:
Hello, my problem stems from relocating them. I am getting the message "can not find Script" on three of them, tho the rest came down fine . Please help/ I picked them up and put them back out ..making sure I have my right land tag on....but..the Script Warning Error still comes up...Please tell me what to do ..thank you SmileWink

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Lost cats - capricorn99 Resident - 07-09-2014, 02:18 PM
RE: Return of the Drop Bug **IMPORTANT** - PriscillaJoy2015 Resident - 09-25-2014 07:05 AM

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