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Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
09-22-2014, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2014 07:54 AM by LickN Wonder.)
Post: #1
Wink Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!!
Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce you to "KittyCatS! Co.Op!"

We are an ever-growing collection of KittyCatS! Markets that are working together instead of against each other for the betterment of the KittyCatS! Community!

The current KittyCatS! Markets included in the KittyCatS! Co.Op! are:
The ScratchN Post
Chateu Village
Sweet Whiskers
Cats Village
FelineS KittyCatS
CATastrophe Kittys
Nachts Landing
Accessories & Adorable Darlings KittyCats
The Kittybox
& The Kat Shack

We are continuing to grow the KittyCatS! Co.Op! and if you own a KittyCatS! Market and wish to join, please contact one of the Market owners of the Markets listed above!!

We also have a website thats in it's beginning stages here: http://kittycatscoop.wordpress.com/

Thank you all for your enthusiasm in regards to this project and hopefully we can all come together and make a difference in our community!

[Image: kittycats-coop-logo-new-wborder2.png?w=1124]
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 Thanks given by: Mizaki Resident , Crepe Myrtle , Beloved Ruby , Revan Salamander , Illuminatra Resident , Kiana Lexenstar , Trelby Resident , Rala Huckleberry , Talitha Midal , Beryl Landar , Jackson Verlack , STRlNGS Resident , Vrem Vaniva , Lixy Byron , Olgita Ruby , Julia Merosi , SapphireJolla Resident , Vampiva Belfire , Mandred Blackadder , VeetMesser Resident , Piper Rowley , Aubreygrace Starlight , Saxoni Fenstalker
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Introducing "KittyCatS! Co.Op!" - *EVEN* More Markets are Joining!! - LickN Wonder - 09-22-2014 07:06 PM

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