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Tips for KittyCats Sellers
08-13-2014, 02:01 AM
Post: #19
RE: Tips for KittyCats Sellers
My best advice to learn how to price is .. GO SHOPPING!

Attend auctions. Keep note of what sold, and for how much.

Visit bid boards. What are the bids for cats? If you see cats with no bids, and about to end, assume their asking price is too high. If you see bids, note them .. they're what people are actually willing to pay.

If you wander past a shop see a cat you like but don't want to buy right now, make a note card with a landmark, the cat's info, and the price, and the date. Check back in a day or two. Did the price change? Note that. Is the cat gone? Note that.

Remember .. when you see a cat for sale, the price is NOT the selling price. It's the price the seller would LIKE to get. If you revisit the same shop, and the price for that cat is too high, it'll almost always still be there. But the some of the cats will be gone. If you know what the price was, yesterday, when you saw it, you'll have a good guess at the selling price for cats with those traits.

After a while, you'll get a good feel for current market conditions and be better able to set prices for your cats.


As to where to locate your shop, remember the three most important factors .. location, location, and location.

Stalls in marketplace regions can work, or not. Don't just purchase a stall. Do some research. Does the region operator help you? Do they spam for traffic .. not rent-my-stalls spam .. you want to see buy-these-cats spam. If they have bid boards, do they spam for them, or is that left to the sellers? If they have love tables, do they spam for them, or leave that to the sellers? Do they have a group for renters to spam? If so, do the many renters actually spam or is it just one or two, or a bot spamming a cat which WAS for sale .. last month .. but has long since been sold? Yeah, it may be a cheap stall .. but if all you get is a stall .. well, you got what you paid for.

Watch out for too-low pricing on stalls. I've seen a lot of marketplace regions come and go. Usually, the operator thinks that all they need do is offer cheap prims and people will come. Initially, maybe, they do. But, at that low price how are they covering their tier? What good is a cheap stall if, next week, your cats are en masse returned by the Estate Owner for non-payment?

Watch out for over-decorated regions. I've seen a number of marketplace regions come and go even though their pricing for the prims was good. What happened? Well, all those decorations cost prims. If they're going into decoration, they're NOT being paid for. So, either expenses aren't being covered .. and you're gonna find all your prims returned, again, or you're going to log in one day and all that pretty decoration is going to be gone and all you'll see is rows of (usually empty) tacky low-prim stalls.
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack , Kayleigh McMillan , Eurydice Barzane , Priestess Firanelli
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RE: Tips for KittyCats Sellers - Tad Carlucci - 08-13-2014 02:01 AM

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