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Tips for KittyCats Sellers
08-12-2014, 10:30 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014 10:40 PM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #16
RE: Tips for KittyCats Sellers
I am starting to sell my kitties and have set up a store but it's not on a kittycat market sim. I've noticed like my Accessories and Adorable Darlings group that all the advertisers have a shop on Vygg. Is there a group I can advertise in that you don't have to be on the same market sim to advertise in?

And 2nd question: can I be listed on Kittycats secondary market list as a private shop if that shop is on a market sim and not on my own privately held land?

And 3rd question: pricing. I don't know if my pricing is high but people have also expressed concerne not to price low as it brings down the market so I've been pricing in the shop for live kitties at $100 per trait plus an extra $100 if it has something I like like Black Bengal or Snowshoe Cream. The boxed kitties are a little less than that (figured I haven't fed them so they should be lower than $100 that everyone says per trait). People seem to be saying $100 per trait but I'm starting to think that may be high. The $100 per trait I have seen bandied here and on the Kitties Pricing group. So my 3rd question is, is $100 per trait to high or should I just hang in there longer? Or should I drop it to half that price?

This discussion has been helpful for me as I've started setting up my shop. I posted in the forum to advertise (as this advice column says advertise) and actually sold a cat. I have sold a couple in the past when I had a cart but the biggest problem I seem to have is that I sold 1 or 2 when I first rented the cart on a Kittycats market sim and that was it. So I gave up the cart. I have tried other carts and either no sales at all or 1 or 2 intially and then nothing. I am trying to set up a shop and create consistency but the initial 2 sales (2 does seem to be the magic #) and then quiet.

I have included pictures in my forum ad like this one
[Image: 1e75bdd89979adb76a7c529fcf7bd970.gif]

I am trying to bring down my number of Black bengals so selling some lives because when I got my first one I was so excited I kept opening every box I birthed because I wanted more. I am not selling 9 traiters (mostly because I am only starting to get them. Then when I start getting 9 trait consistently, they release a pretty collection kitty and I buy one and have to start over getting back to a higher number of traits. Plus I don't mind if the eyes are curious big because I like that. I also have a different breeding philosphy than some -- I don't like pures. I like knowing the shown and hidden and having them be different so when I match against a new Kittycats, I'll know if the shown or hidden is thrown. Plus for me, part of the fun is finding the hidden (the other part is having babies which creates a problem because I keep birthing them so food costs is getting crazy, hence the store). I just feel like I do something wrong when I try to sell.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
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 Thanks given by: Jackson Verlack
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RE: Tips for KittyCats Sellers - Kayla Woodrunner - 08-12-2014 10:30 PM

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