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Attach left animation differs between starter Genesis cat and two bought from breeder
07-31-2014, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2014 08:53 PM by Jonas Ingrassia.)
Post: #1
Bug Attach left animation differs between starter Genesis cat and two bought from breeder
Greetings, this is my first post here. I've done some searching and realized I can't find a discussion of this, so I'm trying to confirm whether or not it is normal, but it doesn't seem to be:

Yesterday I adopted my first starter kitten, and he sits on my shoulder as one would expect—generally upright, looking around a bit, etc. But I bought a couple of kittens today from two different breeders (a toy and a petite), and neither of them assume these behaviors while attached to a shoulder; instead, they continue to behave as if they are on the floor, scratching at things, being inquisitive, standing up on all fours, crouching, emitting butterflies, etc. Which looks pretty strange while attached to a shoulder. Is this a bug, and if so, is there a fix for it? The toy was specifically bought for shoulder attachment most of the time, so this difference is neither what I expected nor would want. If there's any insight to be had, please let me know. Much enjoying the vibe here. Thank you.

ETA: I should clarify that I've had the starter kitten on my shoulder for several hours and seen pretty consistent, natural-looking shoulder-sitting behavior, and none of the floor behaviors I've described above.
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Attach left animation differs between starter Genesis cat and two bought from breeder - Jonas Ingrassia - 07-31-2014 08:50 PM

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