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New traits - blessing or curse?
12-07-2011, 01:45 PM
Post: #1
New traits - blessing or curse?
Hi, I am interested about what you all think about the new traits on the kitties.
My 2cents: as a breeder I am always thrilled about everything new, but my joy has been overshadowed recently.

Every time new traits are on the market it is merely impossible to sell other cats for their value (in L$ and work) meaning the ones that werent lucky and got one of the first specimen, that usually sell for obscene amounts, are having a hard time to keep up their cattery until things level out again.

That's the market, so far, so good? What makes me really cringe is the thought that this happens every 2 months. (RFL, new starters, Halloween cats and now maybe the xmas ones)

One of my ween cats hasnt even reveiled his hidden fur and the next wave is announced. Isn't that a little fast? I mean why on earth breed a cat out when the new fur only sells for 30k the first week but a 6 traiter for 500 six weeks later? (not to mention the fire sales and promo cats for 88L that might set a benchmark, too)

IMO, it would be better not to overclock the new traits' publishing, it would help the breeders, improve the cats and make a statement about substainability.

Just my thoughts, what do you think?
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 Thanks given by: anna Acanthus , Kendrah Vantelli , Khea Karas , Marylou Dallas , Vilandra Miles , Lillith Hapmouche , Moira Serenity
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New traits - blessing or curse? - Malicia Python - 12-07-2011 01:45 PM

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