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12-06-2011, 12:45 AM
Post: #50
My boyfriend had to move to Ireland not so long ago (from the Netherlands), and when he did, he had to leave his beloved cat with his parents, because he had missed a set of his shots (he got the shots, but not "on time.") In order to bring his cat, Spot, to Ireland, he'd have had to keep him in quarantine for several months. It would have been terribly expensive, and probably some amount of stress on Spot, also. So, the BF felt that he'd be happier living with his parents.

However, he was pretty down about leaving his cat. Understandably, of course. I started checking into cats in SL, and two of my very, very dearest friends told me about KittyCatS, and offered to show me their cats, and to even give me one, if I could find one that looked like Spot.

Not only did I find one that looks like Spot (Genesis Domino), but I also found silver & white tabbies. I have 2 silver (but mackerel, not classic) tabbies in RL, rescue kitties; siblings, who I didn't have the heart to separate. They'd been the only solid, steady, dependable parts of each others' lives, so I couldn't break them apart. I meant to get one cat, and came home with two. Smile I couldn't be happier, though! So, when I saw the silver tabbies in SL, even though they're classic tabbies, not mackerels, I figured I could get SL "replicats" for me, too.

I meant to have just those 3, in total, 2 for me and 1 for my bf. Then, though, I saw other breeds, my first "extra" paid-for acquisition was a pink & white chateau. And then I discovered snow bengals. And then it was teacups and toys. And on and on it goes. Smile

Now, I have 19 cats, and my bf still has his 1!

Auctioneer: Sundae Sweet Treats (Sun 9:30AM) | Feline Fun & Games (Mon 9AM)
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RE: SHARE HOW YOU FOUND KITTYCATS HERE - Micaela Lemondrop - 12-06-2011 12:45 AM

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