Suddenly it makes sense why LL changed their TOS and let us agree to do with our content, long story short, what they feel fits.
I think this change is made when they knew they were creating a new world.
That new world in my opinion is doomed to fail just as other copies of Second Life did.
Many content creators took the gamble in transfering their content via "Second Inventory" to other grids just in case that new world was the next new thing.
I did this as merchant with Avination together with some other more or less famous brands.
I was one of the smaller brands invited by a big one.
Let's just say we all learn from our mistakes.
Avination turned out to be a ghost town full of merchants only who were there just in case the normal consuming costumers would go there and settle.
Of course they did not, why should they buy everything again, leave their homes and everything they knew there was absolutely no interest for that in them.
And this new world may be high end super duper and better but technology isn't the only reason why SL is a successs it mainly is what residents made of it and this wasn't done in a year but in more than a decade of devotion.
It was kind of sour in my honest opinion that they had to introduce this new world on their 11-th birthday, gosh it should be party time, what a partypoopers the labs is.
In the mean while I try to consider if I want to obtain a mesh body: nice for pictures and all no weird knees and elboos.
Appliers are available for my skin \o/
For me: I go where my kittycats go my virtual world makes no sense without them anymore <333
We can't only work after all having fun is important too