this is my take, personally, (not speaking for kittycats)
in my life, i've many times experienced people frightened over "change" coming. it has taken many forms from changes politically, in jobs, companies, families, moving, laws, so so so many things, it would take all day to list a fraction of them.
this is what i've learned. it will all be OK. period. and no one knows, not even LL. they may have plans but how many companies have plans that never happen? tons.
so, i will NOT waste any of the precious time i have in NOW worrying about something that may or may not affect me. worry comes from fear, fear of the future and all that is at this time is pure speculation.
i love kittycats, and whatever form it may take later i am open to
for the new "sl" we just do not know and of course we will be as a company watching, learning, etc.
but worrying? no way, not me... i won't allow myself to go there as i'd miss THIS moment!!!!
oh btw... when we were in development, a VERY "reliable" source told me "wait for mesh to do your cats, it will be ready in about 3 months FOR SURE". well had we listened, we'd not have released til 2 years AFTER we did and we'd not be able to have the many many many features we have now. so... the lesson there is... keep going NOW with what you have, do your best, and trust that when things do change, you can adapt
fear is a killer of dreams, and peace in this current moment!
that's my take on it. AND i will also be watching and we'll see right?
so happy you like the KittyCatS so much!!!
*edited spelling.