RE: Open letter to the KittyCats-Administration:
The team is busy working toward release of their AMAZING product. I think if you look back over this thread you'd have to agree they've listened to your point of view. They've also attempted to make arrangements with you to give you a personal tour of the sim, even though they are busy trying to get their product released in the time-frame they established. So after complaining about the sim AND the product, now you want to underscore that with complaining because you're not getting enough attention via replies to your thread. Seriously bernhard, seriously?
These cats are wonderful. They are highly visable in a brief visit to the sim. I myself only spent about 5 minutes there on my first visit and was astonished at how lovely, how upscale, and how warm the sim is. Perhaps you need a better graphics card; that's all I can imagine would be the issue with not seeing the cats.