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Wanted: Any halloween kittens, devils, skele, vamp
10-21-2011, 07:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2011 08:59 AM by Rocky Balzibo.)
Post: #1
Wanted: Any halloween kittens, devils, skele, vamp
Wanted: any of the halloween cats in boxes or boys if live ones. (can be girls if they are the pink ones)

Offering: nice boxes and cats that arent from the halloween series

Example of boxes and live cats Im offering: russian black with rainbow prism, other rainbow prism boxes and live cats with many traits. Different B&W3 (tuxedo) boxes and live cats. Also 2 tone black & white, plush (and possibly black or curious whisker kittens, if not showing, but hiding). Many other kinds of boxes, perfect eyes, highly traited kittens, I got a vast array of things to trade for.

IM me in world (Rocky Balzibo) if you are open to a trade of some sorts and tell me what might be interesting to you and I will tell you what i can offer!

I wont offer you any boxes or cats that I know/think has a value less then what a brand new halloween kitty costs.

I base the value of a halloween cat at around 600L (750L to buy and subtract love5 (140) love drop (28), and you still have the food unaccounted for.)
(And of course a rare halloween cat I would offer better cats for, but I dont think anyone will offer me a tell tale anyways!)

Open to all suggestions, feedback and ideas!

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Wanted: Any halloween kittens, devils, skele, vamp - Rocky Balzibo - 10-21-2011 07:28 AM

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