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Selling boxes..but at what price?
04-20-2014, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014 11:33 AM by Hathor Xaris.)
Post: #3
RE: Selling boxes..but at what price?
some ppl will still buy the genesis cats for 50-99l because they need them to get menagerie dollars, to possibly retrieve a cat they need out of the menagerie, since they can't buy menagerie dollars like kitty dollars, the only way is to buy a cat for as cheap as possible since you only get 50 menagerie dollars per cat and when you menage a cat you only get credited 50kitty dollars which is like 20 Lindens, however you will find that ppl usually frown upon advertising cats for under 100L, i would advertise I have menagerie kitties for sale, it's polite and respectful and good etiquette to refrain from including the price especially when they are 99L or less, if you menage them yourself you will save yourself the time of selling them but you wont get compensated if you by chance purchased food & milk, 1 kitty -1 bowl -1 month food is 170L for food and milk its 310L a month per kitty. Hope that helps you when deciding what to do with the genesis cats in particular Smile btw you can get 4 kittens born a month with milk and about 2 and a half without

Also about pricing, I recommend you price a price that you may find comfortable paying yourself then reference it to what other ppl in your community are pricing it and perhaps adjust according to how quickly you want the sale vs how much you want for the cat. but If you need some feedback about these particular kittys I'm happy to oblige.

I would pay the following price for each kitty, keep in mind too I'm a very frugal shoppper however if I see something I really want or need ill def pay big bucks for it, and I think it is safe to say that the majority of shoppers are this way.
& also keep in mind not everyone has knowledge of current market conditions perhaps cause they don't get out much Smile

1. 200L-300L for 6T I might even want to pay 150L , but because i like ice crystal very much and aby blk silver is good breeder fur id pay a little more for this one.

2. 120 to 175L only cause its got russian black, if i needed russian black & wanted to pay the least i could get id buy this for that much happily, just for that one trait is good breeder fur

3. 50-99L this is a menagerie kitty unless it is hiding something new

4.50-99L this is a menagerie kitty unless it is hiding something new

5.50-120L this would be a good menagerie kitty too but morning glory eyes although not all that recessive are favored usually meaning ppl like it so if someone really wanted morning glory eyes they'd be willing to pay a little extra than a menagerie kitty price.

6. 275-425L Id pay a lil more if i needed one of those traits, most ppl will only shop for 7T or higher this one has 7T so it can be worth a lil more, the eyes are not that recessive now but the look very beautiful against this fur so this would be an appealing cat to sum and pandie ebony although a little bit more recessive would be considered an aquired taste to most, they cuter when they are live inworld vs the box, some kittys are kinda like that they are a lot more appealing inworld vs the kitten box.

Don't forget you can always sell your kittys live, often you will make your money back or break even, live kittys tend to be easy to sell especially if they are in heat over 90% love you will have no problem selling it live, a lotta ppl need live kittys to balance out their catteries or ppl whom are impatient to wait the 14 days to have a kitten, the value of your cat is often 25% higher or more when live I find. and especially if they are ready to give birth your basically giving them a deal 1 and a half cats in one sale
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RE: Selling boxes..but at what price? - Hathor Xaris - 04-20-2014 11:02 AM

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