Newbie pedigree tree question
I am new to KC and while I love them, I am a bit confused when I look at traits on the Pedigree page vs the Pedigree Tree for the 4 specials that I have. For example, I have a 2013 PurrBallS that lists like this on the Pedigree Page:
Fur- PurrBallS Purple Parade
Eyes - Crystal Dream
Shape/Pupil - Mysterious/Small
Shade - Flash
Tail - Plush
Ears - Curious
Whiskers/Shape - White/Frazzled
But, on the Pedigree Tree the stats change to this:
PurrBallS Purple Parade
Fur - Genesis Smokey III
Eyes - Genesis Water
Shape/Pupil - Curious/Big
Shade - Natural
Tail - Genesis
Ears - Genesis
Whiskers/Shape - Silver/Guitar
Why is there such a difference? One of my cats, on the pedigree tree is listed as having Genesis ears, but on the Pedigree page (and on the cat itself) the ears are Mysterious Odyssy Fold. I am very confused.