Hello Veet, I saw your thread so lonely that I needed to give my small contribution... because math is important.
I spent time breeding, making errors, learning as I go.... I finally got it.
I spent patience waiting for my traits to pass, I spent many hours in front of the computer... at some point I also did some auctions.
And Maths were not important, but in the end of the month I understand that I spend wayyyyy too much.
Thanks for the challenge and making me open a spreadsheet...
so here it goes (I really did it....)
I hope it helps
I am glad I don't buy in dollars, so I still have no clue how much is my kitty maths
Ah... and in those Maths you got all your kitties for free.
I am sorry, too late to think about everything....
*include starter / collectible price*
might work on that tomorrow