RE: my poor first kittycat
(02-24-2014 05:32 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: One of the things I do every now and then is count things.
The 'eldest cat' talk prompted me to ask how many "Old Timers" are still around. OK. Bad term .. "Early Adopters" is the preferred term. So, I counted from the first 250 accounts (no, Charm didn't make the list; she's number 261; and I am far off it at 637). ...
Wow! Not only are the statistics amazing (and a reflection of the quality, fun, and staying-power of KittyCatS!), but your ability to track down - and process - all these statistics is impressive!
How/where did you find a chronological list of accounts from the dawn of time... errrr, the beginning of KittyCatS? I know I joined near mid-April 2011; what number am I?
"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." (Leonardo da Vinci)