RE: my poor first kittycat
One of the things I do every now and then is count things.
The 'eldest cat' talk prompted me to ask how many "Old Timers" are still around. OK. Bad term .. "Early Adopters" is the preferred term. So, I counted from the first 250 accounts (no, Charm didn't make the list; she's number 261; and I am far off it at 637).
I cut off "still around" at 120 days on the assumption that if you've not been on the Forum, not used the Cattery, and not checked the Pedigree of any cat for over 120 days than you are not "active."
That put the cut-off date as March 17, 2011 .. about 3 months (88 days) after the December 20 start-date for the web site.
There are 47 "early adopters" still around. That's 18.8% and, from what I've seen looking at other breedables, simply amazing.