Tad, I think Tatiana is not talking about display cats. Not the cat people rezz to match their store curtains or the one that matches their Halloween costume that day.
Tad, considering any cat can be permapetted, not only the seasonal/LE ones, there's a bunch of other people who are not considered in your solution. For example, I prefer to perma pet the cats I'm more proud of of my breeding effort. I want them out and walking about my garden, I cannot compare that to having them in the cattery for an x amount of months per year, it might be functional and keep the costs low from your point of view but it is not a solution for me considering I want that cat in world for various reasons, yes, vanity is one of them
I love the idea of a cheaper, non transfer permapet option. I consider it a well thought middle point to what we would like to have and what KittyCats can afford to agree to as a business. I have heard so many friends say they have a very large "waiting for perma" folder in their inventory, this could help them separate the ones they want to perma pet for business or perma pet for personal use. I think it would be also interesting to have the option to turn those non transfer perma pets to transferable with an "add on" potion for the difference cost in case you change your mind down the line.
This would certainly make me consider start collecting KittyCats again. My thanks to Anna for developing the original idea from KCR and for posting it up for all of us to give our opinions on it.