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Half- Off PermaPet 120 Please???
10-03-2013, 12:21 AM
Post: #46
Lightbulb RE: Half- Off PermaPet 120 Please???
.... and here's why a reduction in price (or sale) for permapetting makes good business sense.

If I want to keep a cat after it's done breeding, I just take it into inventory to permapet later. In actual fact, however, I've permapetted only one KittyCat because it's so expensive. So the permapet price does not offset kibble dollars for KittyCatS owners like me, since I stop buying kibble after 120 days anyhow.

Just a thought Idea for your consideration.

Alori (aka AnnLorene)
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RE: Half- Off PermaPet 120 Please??? - annlorene Resident - 10-03-2013 12:21 AM

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