Hihi! I'm Deer but am also nicknamed "Deery" because I primarily used my avatar Deerylou Resident as my KittyCatS breeding avatar, so either name works. I'm obsessed with miniature KittyCatS and my true love in this amazing breedable is collecting these mini-sized kitties that compliment a smaller avatar's shape. As a result, I run the KittyCatS Miniature Museum which was totally unexpected as these teeny kitties multiplied. I consider myself both a breeder and a collector, I love collecting anything so taking on this role in KittyCatS wasn't a surprise at all.

KittyCatS History Chart is also something I maintain and manage with the rest of the community.
I found KittyCatS in 2011 while journeying in-world and stumbled upon an array of beautifully-worded boxes with kitties inside (I love the names of our traits, they're so enticing), and I just had to have one! After I saw a picture of a pink cat, I was totally sold on KittyCatS - the texture of the fur was flawless, and so were the pink and white markings on my grail kitty at the time. I was opening up my in-world store on my other avatar and thought these kitties would be an aesthetically lovely option for roaming my main store, and it proved right. A customer of mine during the Halloween 2011 release told me I could breed a skelecat I had purchased and it so intrigued me. So here I am now, breeding and collecting due to that initial curiosity.
For anyone new - this community is made up of amazingness and I've yet to encounter a more friendly, down-to-earth group of individuals in all of Second Life. The leadership roles in KittyCatS are taken professionally too but the developers know how to have fun, and same with the CSRs who genuinely care and wish to help everyone become better acquainted with the kitties. Anyone starting in KittyCatS now is in for a real treat above and beyond how wonderful this breedable is, as the community is literally the best.
Group hugs!