I'd been searching for a nice looking kitty for my home for a while and nothing was very good at the time to be honest. Then i saw kittycats and when they were released, as soon as i could get into the mainstore i went to buy a cocoa with blue eyes. Callie told me starters were random so that pissed me off and she said i'd have to wait a couple of weeks for offsprings to be available on the market. So i grumbled a bit and took off.
I joined the KC group anyhow and OMG! hoards of weird hysterical women squealing and fainting at the slightest thing their newborns did. This was soon too much for me so i left the group in disgust.
Couple of weeks later i found my cocoa boy, Alf

and it was fine for a couple of weeks till i thought well maybe i'd find a girl just to have two and breed a couple of times to see. And WOW my 2 pure gens gave me a DOUBLE traited box !! We all know the rest of the story; ok i'll just have 10, well ok guess i can manage 20 etc etc …
I only wanted natural looking kitties and i didn't at all like the look of those green spotted things that were released later nor the weird Japanese thingies and anyhow heck i wasn't into spending that kind of money, LOLL shows how green i was about breedables at the time
Then the Lazy Daisies came out and i thought they were pretty and the first thing i thought was i just had to have those orange eyes on black russian though it'd never happen of course as the Black Russian fur alone was still selling at 20/30K, but then a while later OMG it actually DID !! 5 traits AND the porcelain shade (Squeals of amazed delight from yours truly in the KC group

) Anyhow they scored such a hit at the Nacht auctions that i soon upgraded to a full homestead and was blinking at over 100 kitties and wondering how the heck this all had happened.
All I'd ever wanted was just one nice kitty ...