Hello, Akitsuki is my name. Spoken like ah-key-tsoo-key. But most people shorten the name to Aki. XD
More than two years ago I was hooked to some breedables but I had always wanted to breed cats on SL. But there were not many choices. Most breedables cats were staticky and didn't move. Until one day a cat bumped into me while visiting a friend. Fell in love with Kittycats kitties at first sight. I too started with 2 cats and somehow the cat population grew to 80. No one can really blame me. They are so cute.
Recently I try to keep kitty count on 40 or less. Kitty pets not included to that count. Because I love to have them around at home.
I am mostly a lurker at the group and forum. But I do post at times like here and then.
Thanks for reading and nice to meet you all.