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New at the Newest DEVine Kitties shop
08-06-2013, 11:49 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013 08:54 AM by Devilness Chant.)
Post: #11
RE: New at the Newest DEVine Kitties shop
If you ever wonder how many ppl go to any of your shops on a given day, then you may like one of these.
It's only for sale at my shop and is only 30L. DEVine Kitties
It's copy so you can put one in all your shops and not have to buy more than one. And only 4 prims.
It sends a daily count with location so you know which shop it's from, and you can touch it to get the updated count.

[Image: 9450836329_a97284820c.jpg]
Cat Traffic Counter_001 by Devilness Chant, on Flickr

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RE: New at the Newest DEVine Kitties shop - devilness chant - 08-06-2013 11:49 AM

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