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too easy to make mistakes in Breed menu
07-16-2013, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013 01:54 AM by LibGwen Resident.)
Post: #3
RE: too easy to make mistakes in Breed menu
Two other specific areas where it's too easy for people who are new, fatigued, or distracted to do the wrong thing:

- If the person is at the screen with "One Time" and "Repartner", if they suddenly realize the wrong partner will be set, it is far too easy to interpret "Repartner" as "choose a different partner". So then not only does the cat get paired to the wrong partner, it is perpetually partnered to him/her.

One remedy that would solve a couple of the common partnering issues would be simply putting the "Repartner" button in its own menu. If we have to go after it deliberately, it's much less apt to be mistakenly clicked.

- After clicking "One Time" (and I assume "Repartner") there is a menu with "Back" and "Breed Off". That "Breed Off" button is why the occasional person suddenly discovers one of their cats doesn't have breeding on. --It's too easy to interpret as "close menu". "Breed Off" shouldn't even be on this page. The person has just gone through the steps of partnering their cat and now here's a "Breed Off" button. Yikes!
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RE: too easy to make mistakes in Breed menu - LibGwen Resident - 07-16-2013 11:42 PM

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