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The new LL TOS and the kitty market...
05-08-2013, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2013 09:23 PM by Shadowfaxx Resident.)
Post: #4
RE: The new LL TOS and the kitty market...
Well as of May 7th you can't buy linden dollars from third party exchanges anymore. Its only possible to get lindens from Lindex, LL's own exchange. In my case, Im forced to get a creditcard (expensive) or paypal (even more expensive) to buy lindens in the future. Due to these new TOS, numerous exchanges I know, like Virwox, DX, Virtuateq have shut down this week. Just as I started breeding again recently... Smile

Im curious if the statement of LL, that the majority of users use Lindex, is true. And if a user didnt use Lindex before, if they agree with buying a creditcard to keep financially active in Second Life.

Besides that, the way you can exchange Lindens back to your own RL currency will change. I'm not lucky enough to be able to do that often (net spender) but it seems that if you want to withdraw lindens you are forced to use paypal to do so, with paypal's big fees. How do you withdraw lindens and is it affected by these new TOS?

Info about this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featu...-p/1996185
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RE: The new LL TOS and the kitty market... - Shadowfaxx Resident - 05-08-2013 09:16 PM

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